Constitution of the
Freedom Road Riders
IX. Amendments
I. General Information
The name of this organization shall be the ‘Freedom Road Riders Association’. The association’s headquarters are located in Chatham-Kent, Ontario, Canada. The Freedom Road Riders Association is open to members residing throughout Canada and the United States. Individuals interested in establishing a new chapter of the Freedom Road Riders Association should contact the National Director for information and guidance on the chartering process.
The Freedom Road Riders Association is a strictly non-profit organization. The Association is committed to supporting charitable causes at both the national and provincial/regional levels. Each year, funds raised through the Association activities and events will be donated to selected charities.
At no time, either formally or informally, shall this association be referred to as a “Motorcycle Club,” a “Riding Club,” or any similar designation implying a club structure. Members shall refrain from using such terminology when referring to the Association, its chapters, or its members. The preferred and correct term is “Motorcycle Riding Association” or, where appropriate, “MRA.”
The official insignia of the Association, commonly referred to as the “back patch,” consists of a spoked wheel including a roadway design and the letters “F” “R” “R” “A” and the words “Freedom Road Riders Association.” This insignia, or any component thereof, shall never be referred to as a “cut,” “colours,” or any other term commonly associated with motorcycle clubs. The correct term for the Association’s insignia is “back patch” or, when context requires, “Association insignia.” Members are expected to use this terminology when discussing the back patch. Unauthorized alteration or duplication of the Association’s back patch is strictly prohibited and subject to disciplinary action.
II. Membership
Membership in the Freedom Road Riders Association is open to all motorcycle riders, regardless of make, model, or riding experience, who meet the following minimum requirements:
Application: All prospective members must complete and submit a membership application, either in paper form or through the Association’s online portal. The application will request information deemed necessary by the National Board of Directors, including but not limited to personal contact information, motorcycle information, and licensing details.
Age: Applicants must be 18 years of age or older at the time of application. Applicants under 18 years of age may be considered for membership if they have an immediate family member who is a current member in good standing of the Association and who is willing to sponsor and vouch for the applicant.
License: Applicants must hold a minimum of an M2 license (or equivalent in their jurisdiction). Applicants with only an M1 license (or equivalent) will only be considered for membership if they have an immediate family member who is a current member in good standing of the association.
Motorcycle Ownership: All members must own a motorcycle that is currently licensed and insured for road use. Members who have been in good standing with the Association for a minimum of three (3) years and who are unable to own or operate a motorcycle due to documented financial hardship or medical reasons may, with the direct approval of the National Director, maintain their membership without owning a motorcycle. The National Director may request documentation to verify the financial hardship or medical condition.
Legal Compliance: All members of the Freedom Road Riders Association are required to adhere to all applicable local, provincial, and federal traffic laws and regulations. The Freedom Road Riders Association does not condone or endorse any illegal activity whatsoever.
Membership is free of charge. All membership applications are considered to be approved unless the National Board of Directors, upon review, finds a compelling reason to deny the application. Reasons for denial may include, but are not limited to, documented history of criminal activity, demonstrated behaviour detrimental to the Association’s reputation, or falsification of information on the membership application. Applicants denied membership will be notified in writing of the reason for denial and their right to appeal the decision.
Contact of New Members: All new members will be contacted by their regional chapter’s director within one (1) week of their application being approved. This contact will serve as a welcome to the Association and provide the new member with relevant information about their chapter and upcoming events.
Any member of the Association may submit a request for the removal of another member. Such requests must be submitted in writing to the chapter’s executive team, clearly stating the reasons for the proposed removal and providing sufficient supporting evidence.
The chapter’s executive team will review the removal request and conduct a vote. A majority vote in favour of removal by the chapter’s executive team is required for the request to proceed to the National Board of Directors. If the chapter executive team votes in favour of removal, they shall forward the request, along with all supporting evidence, to the National Board of Directors.
The National Board of Directors will review the removal request and supporting evidence. A majority vote in favour of removal by the National Board of Directors is required for a member to be removed from the Association. If the National Board of Directors votes in favour of removal, the member will be removed from the Association effective immediately and notified in writing of the decision.
Notwithstanding the foregoing, in the event of a serious or alarming situation that poses an immediate threat to the safety or well-being on the Association, it’s members, or the public, the National Board of Directors may, by a majority vote, immediately remove a member without requiring involvement from the chapter’s executive team. In such cases, the removed member will be notified in writing of the decision and the reason for the removal. Furthermore, any executive member, whether at the chapter or national level, is authorized and expected to immediately remove any member from a group ride or Association event if that member is observed engaging in illegal activity or behaviour that puts other riders or the public at risk.
Any member removed from the Association, regardless of the removal process, may file a written grievance with the National Board of Directors within fifteen (15) days of receiving notification of their removal. The grievance must clearly state the reasons for the appeal and provide any additional evidence the member wishes to be considered. Members removed by the National Board of Directors under the emergency removal clause in Section 2 are entitled to one (1) appeal.
The National Board of Directors will review the grievance and render a decision within ten (10) days of receiving the grievance. The decision of the National Board of Directors on the grievance is considered final.
All current members of the Association in good standing are encouraged to invite other riders to join the Freedom Road Riders Association. For each referral that results in an individual joining the Association, the referring member will receive one (1) referral point. After the referred member has remained in the Association for six (6) months, the referring member will receive an additional one (1) referral point, for a total of two (2) points per successful referral.
At the end of each calendar year, the member with the most accumulated referral points will receive a prize with a minimum value of $100. In the event of a tie in referral points, the prize will be awarded to the member who referred the most new members within that calendar year. The specifics of the prize will be determined by the National Board of Directors and announced prior to the start of each calendar year.
A member in good standing is defined as an individual who meets both of the following criteria:
1. Ride Attendance: The member has attended at least three (3) of their local chapter’s organised rides within the current calendar year.
2. Active Participation: The member actively participates in chapter rides, events, and other Association activities. Active participation demonstrates a commitment to the Association’s community and mission.
A chapter may initiate a vote to remove a member if the individual is deemed to not be a member in good standing due to lack of ride attendance and/or active participation. However, before any such vote is held, the chapter must provide the member with a written notice of their inactivity and impending removal. This notice must be given at least sixty (60) days prior to any vote, providing the member with an opportunity to become a member in good standing by attending rides and/or increasing their participation. If, after the 60-day notice period, the member still does not meet the criteria for a member in good standing, the chapter may proceed with a vote for removal as outlined in Section 2.
Upon joining the Freedom Road Riders Association, each member will be automatically assigned to the chapter geographically closest to their home address. This assigned chapter will be considered the member's "home chapter."
Members are welcome and encouraged to participate in rides, events, and activities hosted by any chapter of the Association, regardless of whether it is their designated home chapter. While members can ride and engage with any chapter, every member must have a designated home chapter for administrative purposes and communication.
Changing Home Chapter:
Members wishing to change their designated home chapter may do so by submitting a written request to either:
1. Their current home chapter’s executive team,
2. The National Board of Directors
The written request should clearly state the reason for the desired change. The chapter executive team or the National Board of Directors, as appropriate, will review the request and make a decision regarding the change in home chapter affiliation. The member will be notified in writing of the decision.
III. Executive Teams
Each chapter of the Freedom Road Riders Association shall maintain an active executive team consisting of no fewer than three (3) members: A Chapter Director, A Chapter Co-Director, and a Chapter Treasurer and/or Secretary. These positions are considered the core leadership of each chapter and must be filled at all times.
In addition to the core positions, chapters may create other executive roles as needed, including but not limited to an Events Coordinator, Safety Officer, Photographer, Webmaster, and other positions deemed necessary by the chapter membership.
Chapter Director Responsibilities:
The chapter director is responsible for overseeing all activities within the chapter, including but not limited to:
Leading chapter meetings and rides.
Managing chapter funds and finances (in conjunction with the Treasurer).
Handling all chapter-level membership inquiries and applications.
Resolving disputes or issues that may arise between chapter members.
Serving as the primary point of contact between the chapter and the National Board of Directors.
Contacting the National Board of Directors for assistance or guidance with any chapter-related issues.
Chapter Co-Director Responsibilities:
The chapter co-director serves as a support to the Chapter Director and is expected to be prepared to assume the Director’s responsibilities in their absence or unavailability. In the event of a serious emergency or if the Chapter Director is unable to continue in their role, the Co-Director will assume the leadership position as interim Chapter Director until a new election can be held.
Chapter Treasurer/Secretary Responsibilities:
The Chapter Treasurer/Secretary is responsible for managing the chapter’s finances and administrative tasks, including but not limited to:
Maintaining accurate financial records of all chapter income and expenses.
Collecting membership registration fees for chapter events.
Preparing and presenting financial reports to the chapter membership at regular meetings.
Keeping minutes of chapter meetings and maintaining other important chapter documents.
Handling chapter correspondence and communications.
Working with the Chapter Director to develop and manage the chapter’s budget.
Elections and Nominations:
Each chapter is required to hold annual nominations and elections for all chapter executive positions. Members in good standing have the opportunity to nominate fellow members for any executive position they deem them suitable for. Members can also self-nominate for positions. All nominated members must formally accept the nomination to be eligible to proceed to the election process.
Chapter elections should be held annually during the early riding season months, specifically in March or April. Each chapter will determine which of these months best suits their members’ schedules, but the chosen election month must remain consistent from year to year. This consistency ensures predictability and allows members to plan accordingly.
The Freedom Road Riders Association shall be governed by a National Board of Directors, which shall consist of no fewer than five (5) members:
National Director:
Oversees all national activities and operations of the Association.
Serves as the primary spokesperson and representative of the Association.
Leads National Board meetings and sets the agenda.
Provides guidance and support to chapter directors.
Makes decisions on behalf of the National Board in urgent situations, subject to ratification by the full board at the next meeting.
Acts as the final arbiter of disputes or issues that cannot be resolved at the chapter level.
National Co-Director:
Supports the National Director and assumes their responsibilities in their absence or unavailability.
Assists the National Director with various tasks and projects.
Acts as a liaison between the National Board and the chapters.
In the event of a serious emergency or if the National Director is unable to continue in their role, the Co-Director will assume the leadership position as interim National Director until a new election can be held.
National Treasurer:
Manages the Association’s finances at the national level.
Maintains accurate financial records of all national income and expenses.
Prepares and presents financial reports to the National Board and, when requested, to the general membership.
Manages national bank accounts and ensures proper disbursement of funds.
Works with the National Director to develop and manage the national budget.
National Secretary:
Keeps minutes of National Board meetings and maintains other important Association documents.
Handles national correspondence and communications.
Maintains the national membership database.
Assists with the organization of national events and gatherings.
Member-at-Large (Voting Member):
This position is filled by a member selected at random each year from a pool of all current members in good standing. The selection process will be as follows:
All members in good standing will be eligible for selection.
A random drawing will be conducted by the National Secretary (or a designated representative) in November of each year.
The selected member will serve a one-year term, beginning January 1st of the next year.
The primary responsibility of the Member-at-Large is to participate in National Board votes, providing a voice representative of the general membership. This member does not have any other specific duties beyond voting.
The National Board of Directors is responsible for setting the strategic direction of the Association, overseeing its financial health, and ensuring compliance with this constitution and all by-laws. The National Boards of Directors may establish committees or task forces as needed to address specific issues or projects. The National Board of Directors will hold regular meetings, the frequency of which will be determined by the board.
Vote of Confidence and National Election:
Each year in the month of November, the National Board of Directors will conduct a vote of confidence open to all members of the Association. This vote will allow members to anonymously express whether they are satisfied with the performance of the current National Director and National Co-Director. The mechanism for this vote will be online polling setup by the National Board of Directors in correspondence with the Chapter’s Executive teams.
In the event of a vote of non-confidence by a simple majority of voting members, a national election will be held within sixty (60) days. During this election, members in good standing will be eligible to run for the positions of National Director and National Co-Director. The National Secretary and National Treasurer are volunteer positions and are appointed by the newly elected National Director.
The National Board of Directors has the authority to remove a member of a chapter executive team if serious concerns arise regarding their conduct, performance, or adherence to the Association's bylaws and policies. This power should be exercised judiciously and only when deemed necessary to protect the interests of the chapter and the Association as a whole. The National Board of Directors will provide written notification to the removed individual and the chapter of the reasons for the removal.
Chapter Executive Vacancies and Elections:
In the event that a chapter executive member is removed by the National Board of Directors, a special election must be held within 30 (thirty) days to fill the vacant position. Members in good standing within the chapter will be eligible to run for the vacant position.
Reinstatement through Elections:
If the individual removed from the chapter executive team is subsequently re-elected to their former position by a majority vote of the chapter members, the National Board of Directors cannot remove them again or call another election for that same position until the next regularly scheduled annual chapter elections.
Interim Chapter Director:
If a Chapter Director is removed, not re-elected, and no other chapter member volunteers or is nominated for the position, a member of the National Board of Directors may step in to serve as interim Chapter Director. This interim appointment will be for a maximum period of three (3) months, during which time the National Board of Directors will assist the chapter in finding a suitable candidate to fill the Director position. Alternatively, the Chapter Co-Director can be moved into the Director position.
Chapter Shutdown and Merger:
In the event that a chapter is unable to find a member willing to serve as Chapter Director within the three-month interim period, the chapter will be temporarily shut down. The members of that chapter will be temporarily merged with the next closest geographically located chapter. The chapter will remain inactive until a new Director can be found and elected. The National Board of Directors will oversee this process and provide support to the affected members.
IV. Events
All events hosted by the Association, including national gatherings, regional rallies, and chapter-level activities, must be sanctioned and approved by the National Board of Directors. Chapters wishing to organize an event, regardless of size or scope, shall submit a detailed event proposal to the National Board of Directors no less than ninety (90) days prior to the proposed event date. This proposal shall include, but not be limited to:
Date, time, and location of the event.
A comprehensive event plan outlining activities, logistics, and safety considerations.
Anticipated attendance and target audience.
Budgetary projections, including anticipated expenses and revenue streams.
Designated event coordinator(s) responsible for on-site management.
The National Board of Directors will review the proposal and grant or deny sanctioning and approval based on alignment with the Association’s mission, safety protocols, and overall feasibility. The National Board of Directors may request revisions or modifications to the proposal as a condition of sanctioning and approval.
All promotional materials related to sanctioned events, including flyers, posters, social media posts, and website content, must adhere to the following approval process:
Chapter Executive Approval: The chapter/member organizing the event shall first submit all promotional materials to their respective chapter executive team for review and approval.
National Board of Directors Approval: Upon receiving approval from the chapter executive team, the chapter shall submit the finalized promotional materials to the National Board of Directors for final review and approval. No promotional materials may be disseminated publicly until the National Board has granted approval.
The National Board of Directors will review promotional materials for consistency with the Association’s branding guidelines, accuracy of information, and appropriateness of content. The National Board of Directors may request revisions or modifications to the promotional materials as a condition of approval. Unauthorised dissemination of promotional materials is strictly prohibited and may result in disciplinary action as outlined in Article (????) of this constitution and bylaws.
Each chapter of the Freedom Road Riders Association is expected to organize and promote a weekly ride night for its members. These weekly rides are intended to foster camaraderie and interaction among chapter members and are strongly encouraged. Weekly rides may consist of a simple group ride, a ride to a restaurant, ice cream shop, coffee shop, or other destination. Chapters are encouraged to schedule their weekly ride nights at times that are most convenient for the majority of their members and to actively promote these rides to maximize participation. The focus of weekly rides should be on safe riding practices, social interaction, and enjoyment of motorcycling.
The Freedom Road Riders Association will hold an annual national retreat in Fenelon Falls, Ontario. This retreat is open to all members of the Association in good standing and provides an opportunity for members from across Canada and the United States to gather, connect, and enjoy the camaraderie of the Association. The national retreat will be held on the weekend immediately following the national Canada Day holiday, or on the weekend the holiday falls on. All proceeds from the Fenelon Falls retreat will be donated to a charity chosen annually by the National Board of Directors. Details regarding registration, accommodation, planned activities, and costs associated with the retreat will be announced by the National Board well in advance of the event.
Each year, a different chapter of the Association will host a special annual ride. The hosting chapter will be selected at random by the National Board of Directors. Chapters will have the option to decline hosting duties, in which case another chapter will be randomly selected. The hosting chapter will select a theme for the annual ride and will be responsible for providing local accommodation recommendations, including negotiating group rates for hotel bookings where possible. All proceeds raised from this annual ride will be donated to a charity of the hosting chapter’s choosing. The selected chapter will be announced no later than September of the preceding year.
The Freedom Road Riders Association will hold an annual executive retreat for the purpose of strategic planning, goal setting, and addressing other important Association matters. This retreat is open to all chapter executive teams (Chapter Director, Co-Director, Treasurer/Secretary) and the National Board of Directors.
The annual executive retreat will be held on the Victoria Day long weekend each year.
The format of the annual executive retreat (in-person or online) will be determined by a vote of all chapter directors and co-directors. This vote will take place immediately following the chapter executive elections each year, once the newly elected individuals have officially assumed their positions. This timing ensures that the individuals participating in the vote are the same individuals who will be attending the retreat and working on implementing the decisions made there.
The annual executive retreat serves as an opportunity for the National Board of Directors to communicate with chapter leadership, discuss proposed changes to bylaws or policies, set organizational goals for the coming year, and address any other business pertinent to the Association's operation. The National Board of Directors will set the agenda for the retreat and facilitate the discussions.
V. Association Finances
The Freedom Road Riders Association operates on a principle of accessible membership. Therefore, at no time will membership fees or dues be collected from members, either at the national or chapter level. Membership in the Association is free of charge, and neither the National Board of Directors nor any individual chapter is authorized to collect membership dues or fees. The Association’s financial operations will rely on other fundraising activities, sponsorships, and donations, as deemed appropriate by the National Board of Directors, to support its activities and charitable giving.
The Freedom Road Riders Association will produce and sell clothing and accessories branded with Association logos, slogans, and other identifying information. These merchandise sales will serve as a fundraising mechanism to support the costs associated with hosting the annual National Retreat in Fenelon Falls, Ontario, as well as other operational needs of the Association.
All merchandise sales will be processed through the Chapter Director and/or Chapter Treasurer, who will then coordinate with the National Board of Directors for order fulfilment and financial reconciliation. To ensure affordability for members, both the National Board of Directors and the individual chapters will retain only a small percentage of the profits from merchandise sales. The specific percentage of each will be determined by the National Board of Directors and may be adjusted periodically as needed. The remaining profits will be allocated towards the funding of the National Retreat and other associated expenditures. Detailed records of all merchandise sales, costs, and profit distribution will be meticulously maintained by both the chapters and the National Board of Directors.
Each chapter is permitted to establish a “slush fund” to support local chapter activities, events, and initiatives. Chapters may raise money for their slush funds through various means, including but not limited to:
50/50 Ticket Sales: Chapters may conduct 50/50 draws at chapter events or rides.
Event Registration Fees: Chapters may charge registration fees for specific events or rides they organize.
Other Fundraising Activities: Chapters may engage in other fundraising activities deemed appropriate by the chapter and in accordance with Association guidelines.
Year-End Disbursement of Chapter Funds:
At the end of each calendar year, each chapter must disperse the funds remaining in their slush fund, retaining only a small carry-over amount. The disbursement process will be as follows:
1. Local Charity Donation (50%): 50% of the remaining slush fund balance must be donated to a local charity of the chapter’s choosing. The chapter should select a charity that aligns with the values of the Association and the interests of its members.
2. National Charity Donation (30%): 30% of the remaining slush fund balance must be donated to the National Board of Directors. These funds will be added to the national charitable giving pool and donated to a charity selected by the National Board of Directors.
3. Chapter Carry-Over (20%): The remaining 20% of the slush fund balance may be retained by the chapter. These funds can be used to cover ongoing chapter costs, or to help offset the costs of hosting a year-end party or other chapter celebration.
Chapters must maintain transparent records of all fundraising activities, income, expenses, and disbursements from their slush funds. These records should be made available to chapter members upon request.
VI. Safety
Due to the Freedom Road Riders Association’s free structure and voluntary membership, the Association does not accept liability for any actions taken by its members, whether during Association events or otherwise. Each member is responsible for their own conduct and decisions, and participation in Association activities is entirely voluntary. This disclaimer applies to, but is not limited to, accidents, injuries, or damages that may occur during rides, events, or any other activity related to the Association.
Each member of the Freedom Road Riders Association is individually responsible for their own safety and well-being. This includes, but is not limited to:
Operating their motorcycle safely and legally, adhering to all traffic laws and regulations.
Wearing appropriate safety gear, including a helmet, protective clothing, and footwear.
Maintaining their motorcycle in safe operating condition.
Riding within their own skill level and being aware of road conditions and potential hazards.
Being responsible for their own physical and mental fitness to ride.
The Freedom Road Riders Association does not condone the consumption of alcohol or any other substance that may impair a member’s judgement or ability to operate a motorcycle safely. Members are strongly encouraged to refrain from consuming alcohol or any impairing substance before or during any Association event or ride. Members who choose to consume alcohol or other substances are solely responsible for ensuring that they do not operate a motor vehicle while impaired. The Association emphasizes that riding under the influence is illegal and extremely dangerous.
If a chapter designates a Safety Officer, that individual is responsible for promoting and ensuring compliance with all safety-related rules and bylaws of the Freedom Road Riders Association within their chapter. The Safety Officer's duties include, but are not limited to:
Promoting safe riding practices among chapter members.
Educating members on relevant traffic laws and regulations.
Encouraging members to wear appropriate safety gear.
[If applicable] Conducting pre-ride inspections to ensure members' motorcycles are in safe operating condition and fit for the road. This may include checking tires, brakes, lights, and other essential components.
In partnership with the Chapter Director, the Safety Officer has the authority to remove an individual from a ride or event if they are deemed to be operating their motorcycle in an unsafe condition or otherwise posing a safety risk to themselves or others. This decision should be made judiciously and with the safety of all members as the primary concern. The Safety Officer should document any such removals and the reasons for the action taken.
VII. New Chapter Startup
All requests to start a new chapter of the Freedom Road Riders Association must be submitted in writing to the National Board of Directors. A prospective chapter must have a minimum of five (5) members committed to joining the new chapter to be considered for startup. The written request should include the names and contact information of the prospective members, their geographic location, and the proposed name for the new chapter.
New chapters must select a name for their chapter. This name can be simply the city name (e.g., "The Chatham Chapter"), a local nickname (e.g., "The River Riders"), or a name that reflects the geographical location of the chapter (e.g., "The Thames Valley Chapter"). The proposed chapter name must be approved by the National Board of Directors to ensure it does not conflict with existing chapter names or infringe on any trademarks. The written request should include at least three (3) potential names in order of preference.
The written request should also include a brief statement outlining the reasons for forming a new chapter.
The individual who submits the chapter startup request will serve as the initial Chapter Director. This individual will be responsible for selecting a Chapter Co-Director and a Chapter Treasurer/Secretary from among the initial group of members. These three individuals will form the initial chapter executive team.
The National Board of Directors will provide all newly starting chapters with any necessary paperwork, information, and documents, including but not limited to copies of the Association’s Constitution, Bylaws, and Code of Conduct. All new chapter executive teams will be required to meet with the National Director and National Co-Director (either in person or virtually) for a comprehensive review of these documents. This meeting will ensure that the new chapter leadership fully understands the Association’s rules, regulations, policies, and expectations.
If the National Board of Directors deems it necessary, the National Board may provide some initial startup funding to new chapters. This funding may be used to help the new chapter purchase promotional products (e.g., banners, flyers), assist with initial recruitment efforts to attract new members, or cover other essential startup costs. The amount of funding provided, if any, will be determined by the National Board of Directors on a case-by-case basis and will depend on the availability of funds and the specific needs of the new chapter.
VIII. Meetings
Each chapter executive team (Chapter Director, Co-Director, Treasurer/Secretary, and any other appointed officers) is required to hold a formal executive team meeting at least once per month. These meetings are intended for the executive team to discuss chapter business, plan events, address member concerns, and coordinate their efforts. The Chapter Director is responsible for scheduling and leading these meetings. Minutes of these meetings should be recorded by the Treasurer/Secretary and made available to chapter members upon request.
Each chapter should hold a general membership meeting, or at minimum, a structured discussion period, at least once per month. These gatherings provide an opportunity for the chapter executive team to communicate with the general membership and for members to interact with one another. The following topics should be covered during these meetings or discussions:
Financial Reports: The Chapter Treasurer/Secretary should present a financial report outlining the chapter's income, expenses, and current financial status.
Upcoming Events and Rides: The Chapter Director and/or Events Coordinator should announce and discuss any upcoming chapter events, rides, or other activities.
Executive Team Reports: Each member of the executive team should provide a brief statement regarding their respective area of responsibility, including any suggestions for improvements, accommodations, or changes to chapter operations.
New Member Introductions: New members should be formally welcomed and introduced to the chapter membership.
While formal meetings are encouraged, chapters may opt for more informal discussion periods, especially during ride nights or other gatherings, provided that the key topics listed above are addressed. The goal is to ensure regular communication and transparency between the chapter leadership and the general membership.